The System Investigation

When a new or upgraded system is introduced into an organisation, it is usually intended to support the work already carried out by the organisation. Although the new system may differ substantially from the existing system, the information being handled, and the main functions of the system, will remain relatively unchanged. An analysis of the existing system, therefore, provides a firm basis for the design of the new system.

Other reasons for performing a system investigation include:

Some of the aspects that will be investigated include:

Note that an investigation of the existing system does not constrain the project team to simply re-hash the features of the current system. A fresh approach to meeting the system objectives is taken, and may lead to a complete restructuring of both the business processes and data, in a new system that is nothing like the old one.

Some investigation techniques:

Some or all of these techniques may be used in the investigation of the existing system, and will result in a set of data flow diagrams representing the current system, a logical data structure of the current system's data, and the initial problems/requirements list for the project.