Data Validation

Data validation is the process of ensuring, at least as far as is possible, that the data given to a program by a user or from a file (essentially, the program's input) is of the correct type, and in the correct format. Although the programmer will obviously take every precaution to ensure the correct operation of the program, and will attempt to eliminate bugs that could cause a problem through a rigorous process of testing, they have no real control over mistakes made by the user during data entry. Nor can they guarantee that any data files used by the program will be free of errors and in the correct format.

There are however measures that can be taken to restrict the program's input to valid data. Such measures involve the application of validation rules to any data being input to the program. Input not meeting the program's requirements (i.e. input that does not obey the validation rules) can be dealt with in a pre-defined way, and will not cause the program to crash or produce spurious output. Data validation rules can also make an application more user friendly, since they enable the program to warn the user immediately when there is a problem rather than simply allowing them to continue entering data until the program crashes or some other problem occurs.

The validation rules used will depend on the application, and in particular on the type of data being input to the program. Database management systems like Oracle or Microsoft Access provide extensive facilities for creating data validation rules. For our Visual Basic applications, we will need to work a little harder to ensure that the input is valid, because we will need to define and code our own validation rules.

In a software project of any size, the task of determining what is and what isn't valid data is usually undertaken long before any code is written, and is part of an initial requirements analysis phase. Even so, we can think in general terms about the kind of data validation required for a typical application, and how it might be implemented. Some common data validation requirements are outlined below.

There are many ways in which validation can be carried out, and it is down to analysts and software developers to decide what kind of validation is required and how to implement it. To demonstrate some simple validation techniques, we will create a data entry form of the type typically found on a web page. Proceed as follows:

  1. Open a new project called "OnlineForm" and create an interface like the one illustrated below.

The OnlineForm program interface

The OnlineForm application interface

  1. Set the control names as shown in the table below. Note that we have included a comprehensive list of properties for all controls on the form. You can of course change the form layout if you wish, but control names for all input fields must be as shown in order for the code to work properly.

OnlineForm Form Controls
FormName: frmOnlineForm
Size: 900, 500
Text: "Online Form"
LabelName: lblFormTitle
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 16pt, style=Bold
Location: 305, 22
Size: 275, 25
Text: "Acme DVD Rental Online"
LabelName: lblApplicationForm
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt
Location: 277, 57
Size: 330, 20
Text: "Membership Application Form (*required field)"
LabelName: lblTitle
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 104
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Title*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblLastName
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 137
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Last name*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblFirstName
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 170
Size: 125, 20
Text: "First name(s)*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblAddress
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 203
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Street address*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblTown
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 269
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Town/City*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblCounty
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 302
Size: 125, 20
Text: "County/State"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblPostcode
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 335
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Postcode/Zip*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblCountry
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 21, 368
Size: 125, 20
Text: "Country*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblTel
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 104
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Telephone*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblMob
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 137
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Mobile"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblEmail
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 170
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Email*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblPassword
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 203
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Password*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblConfirmPasword
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 236
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Confirm password*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblDOB
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 335
Size: 140, 20
Text: "D.O.B. (dd/mm/yyyy)*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblCatchpa
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 450, 368
Size: 140, 20
Text: "Complete the sum:*"
TextAlign: MiddleRight
LabelName: lblPasswordNote
AutoSize: False
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Location: 603, 269
Size: 261, 53
Text: "Note: "Password must be between six
  and sixteen characters in length and contain
  only letters and numbers"
TextAlign: MiddleLeft
LabelName: lblSum
AutoSize: False
Font: Mistral, 16pt, style=Bold
Forecolor: Fuchsia
Location: 606, 369
Size: 70, 23
Text: "? + ? ="
TextAlign: MiddleCenter
ComboBoxName: cmbTitle
Location: 154, 104
Size: 65, 23
TextBoxName: txtLastName
Location: 154, 137
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtFirstName
Location: 154, 170
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtAddress01
Location: 154, 203
Size: 204, 23
TextBoxName: txtAddress02
Location: 154, 236
Size: 204, 23
TextBoxName: txtTown
Location: 154, 269
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtCounty
Location: 154, 302
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtPostcode
Location: 154, 335
Size: 75, 23
TextBoxName: txtCountry
Location: 154, 368
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtTelephone
Location: 606, 104
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtMobile
Location: 606, 137
Size: 150, 23
TextBoxName: txtEmail
Location: 606, 170
Size: 250, 23
TextBoxName: txtPassword01
Location: 606, 203
Size: 150, 23
UseSystemPasswordChar: True
TextBoxName: txtPassword02
Location: 606, 236
Size: 150, 23
UseSystemPasswordChar: True
TextBoxName: txtDOB
Location: 606, 335
Size: 100, 23
TextBoxName: txtSum
Location: 698, 368
MaxLength: 10
Size: 30, 23
ButtonName: cmdSubmit
Location: 781, 416
Size: 75, 23
Text: Submit

Note that the last box requires the user to input the result of a simple sum (randomly generated) to prevent web robot programs from hijacking the form. The popular term CAPTCHA (an approximate abbreviation of Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) is often used to describe this kind of validation. The idea is that a human being will be able to solve a relatively easy arithmetic problem whereas a robotic program would not even recognise it as such (in a real-world implementation the sum would not only be randomly generated, but would be presented as a slightly distorted or noisy image in order to prevent an intelligent robot from being able to decipher the question).

Note also that the two password text boxes should have their PasswordChar property set to "*". The main event handler on the form will of course be for the Submit button's Click event, which will check the form data for validity before sending it to the (in this case imaginary) server application. There will be a number of validation routines attached to other controls, however, to ensure that invalid input is handled as early as possible. The first field on the form is the cmbTitle ComboBox (we will limit the possible choices in the drop-down selection to Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms To keep things simple).

  1. Set the application's Startup Object property to OnlineForm.frmOnlineForm.
  2. Click once on the cmbTitle ComboBox to highlight it and access its properties.
  3. Set the MaxLength property to 20.
  4. Click on the browse button of the Items property.
  5. In the String Collection Editor dialog box, enter the options as shown below.

The String Collection Editor dialog box

The String Collection Editor dialog box

The MaxLength property determines the maximum number of characters that the user can enter in a field such as a text box or (in this case) combo box. We have therefore allowed the user the opportunity to enter a title that is not on the list, such as "Doctor" or "Professor", but have restricted the length of the input string to prevent abuse. Although not explicitly stated below, you should also impose appropriate limits on the input length for the remaining fields.

The password fields are a good example of a situation where you can reduce the requirements for data validation by imposing such a limit. Set the MaxLength property for each password field to 16, and your validation in terms of password length is then only required to check for a valid minimum number of characters (since the maximum number cannot be exceeded in any case). The same is true for the user's date of birth (DOB) and the CAPTCHA sum (which as you will see, can never exceed two digits).

  1. The first field that requires specific validation code is the Telephone field. Switch to the code editor window, select the txtTelephone control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the Code Editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the code editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

Dim strAllowedChars As String = "0123456789() -+ "
If Len(txtTelephone.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
  For i = 0 To Len(txtTelephone.Text) - 1
    If InStr(1, strAllowedChars, txtTelephone.Text(i)) = 0 Then
      MsgBox("Invalid telephone number.")
      exit sub
    End If
End If

The event handler starts with the declaration of a local character array variable called allowedChars() that contains the characters that we will allow the user to enter as part of the telephone number. The rest of the code is taken up with an If . . . Else . . . End If statement.

If the user has not entered anything at all, the code exits the subroutine (the problem of this being a mandatory field will be dealt with separately by the Submit button's event handler, should the field remain empty when the user tries to submit the form data). Otherwise, the code loops through the input string one character at a time, to make sure that all of the characters input by the user match one of the allowed characters.

The Visual Basic Instr() function checks for the presence of one string inside another, and if it does not find it returns zero. If this occurs, the event handler will display a message to tell the user that the telephone number entered is invalid, restore the focus to the Telephone field, and exit the subroutine. Run the program and test the code by entering an invalid telephone number. You should see something like the following illustration:

The user has typed a lower case "o" instead of a zero

The user has typed a lower case "o" instead of a zero

  1. The next field that needs validation code is the Email field. Switch to the code editor window, select the txtEmail control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the code editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the code editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

Dim intAt, intDot As Integer
If Len (txtEmail.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
  intAt = InStr(1, txtEmail.Text, "@")
  intDot = InStr(intAt + 1, txtEmail.Text, ".")
  If (intAt = 0) Or (intDot = 0) Or (intDot = (intAt + 1)) _
    Or(InStr(intAt + 1, txtEmail.Text, "@") < 0) _
      Or(Len(txtEmail.Text) < intDot + 1) _
        Or(InStr(intDot + 1, txtEmail.Text, ".") < 0) Then
    MsgBox("Invalid email address.")
    Exit Sub
  End If
End If

As before, if the user has not entered anything at all, the code exits the subroutine and the mandatory field problem will be dealt with separately. The local integer variables intAt and intDot are used to store the location (returned by the InStr() function) of the first occurrence (if any) of the at sign ("@") character in the string, and the location of the first occurrence thereafter (if any) of the period (".") character.

Note that the first argument to the InStr() function specifies at what position within the target string the search starts, so any occurrence of a period before the "@" is ignored. The code essentially ensures that there is one (and only one) "@" in the string, plus at least one period in the substring that follows the "@" (but not immediately following the "@"). It also checks to make sure that at least the first occurrence of a period is followed by at least one other character.

If any of these conditions is not met, the event handler displays a message to tell the user that the e-mail address entered is not valid, restores the focus to the Email field, and exits the subroutine. As before, run the program and test the code by entering an invalid e-mail address, but be aware that the validation provided here is very rudimentary - it is perfectly possible to enter an invalid email address that does not trigger an error message. To implement a comprehensive validity check for email addresses would require considerably more code!

We turn next to the password field. The constraints on the password field are such that is easier to validate user input. All characters entered must be alphanumeric, and there must be at least six characters but no more than sixteen characters.

  1. Switch to the code editor window, select the txtPassword01 control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the code editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the code editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

Dim n As Integer
If Len(txtPassword01.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(txtPassword01.Text) < 6 Then
  MsgBox("Invalid password")
  Exit Sub
  For i = 0 To Len(txtPassword01.Text) - 1
    n = Asc(txtPassword01.Text(i))
    If(n < 48) Or ((n > 57) And (n < 65)) Or ((n > 90) And (n < 97)) Or (n > 122) Then
      MsgBox("Invalid password")
      Exit Sub
    End If
End If

The txtPassword control's LostFocus event handler declares a local integer variable (n) to hold the ASCII codes returned by the Asc() function. As with the previous event handlers, the code exits the subroutine immediately if the text box is empty, and the mandatory field situation is dealt with elsewhere.

If the user has entered a password, the next part of the code checks whether or not the six character minimum requirement has been met. If not, a message is displayed telling the user that the password is invalid, the text box is cleared, and the focus is restored to the text box.

The final part of the code (which executes if the password is six characters or more in length) loops through each character in the password to check that it is either an upper or lower case letter or a number. If not, the user will see a message telling them that the password is invalid, the text box is cleared, and the focus is restored to the text box.

Since the sole requirement of the second password text box is that the contents should be identical to the first, the code is somewhat simpler.

  1. Switch to the code editor window, select the txtPassword02 control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the code editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the Code Editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

If Len(txtPassword02.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
ElseIf txtPassword02.Text <> txtPassword01.Text Then
  MsgBox("Passwords do not match - please re-enter.")
End If

The event handler here simply compares the two password strings to see if they match (note that the comparison is case sensitive). If they do not, a message is displayed informing the user of this fact, both password boxes are cleared, and the focus reverts to the first password box.

The next piece of validation code must check to see whether the user has input their date of birth in the correct format:


  1. Switch to the code editor window, select the txtDOB control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the code editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the code editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

If Len(txtDOB.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(txtDOB.Text) < 10 Then
  MsgBox("You have entered an invalid or incorrectly formatted date.")
ElseIf IsDate(txtDOB.Text) = False Or txtDOB.Text(2) <> "/" Or txtDOB.Text (5) <> "/" Then
  MsgBox("You have entered an invalid or incorrectly formatted date.")
ElseIf DateTime.Parse(txtDOB.Text) > Now.Date Or DateTime.Parse(txtDOB.Text) _
    <DateTime.Parse("01/01/1900") Then
  MsgBox("The date you have entered is outside the acceptable range.")
End If

As before, the validation here is not concerned with the absence of data, so an empty text box causes the code to exit the subroutine. If data has been entered, the code checks to see if that the correct number of characters has been used. If not, the user sees a message telling them the date is invalid or incorrectly formatted, the focus is returned to the D.O.B. text box, and the subroutine ends.

If the correct number of characters has been entered, the code will check to see if the characters entered represent a valid date using the isDate() function. It also checks to see if the the specified separator ("/") has been used between day (dd), month (mm) and year (yyyy). If the input is not a valid date, or is not in the required format, the user is advised that the date is invalid or incorrectly formatted, the focus is returned to the D.O.B. text box, and the subroutine ends.

The final piece of validation checks to make sure that the dates fall between the beginning of the twentieth century and the current date (in the real world, the range of acceptable dates would probably be more tightly constrained, but this example serves to demonstrate how it might work).

The final field on the form requires the user to answer a simple addition question to establish that they are not a robotic program seeking to gain access to the web server via the online form. The question itself will be randomly generated when the form loads, and will consist of an addition involving two single-digit numbers in the range 1 to 9.

The code (see below) uses the Randomize() function to initialise Visual Basic's random number generator. The Rnd() function generates random values between 0 and 1. The code generates a random number between 0 and 9 by multiplying the randomly generated value by 8 and adding 1 to the result, rounding up or down to get the nearest whole number. This guarantees that only numbers between 1 and 9 will be generated.

  1. Enter the following statement within the body of the form's class definition, before any subroutines:

Public x, y As Integer

  1. In the form design window, double-click on a blank part of the form and in the body of the form's Load event handler, enter the following code:

x = Rnd() * 8 + 1
y = Rnd() * 8 + 1
lblSum.Text = x & " + " & y & " ="

  1. When the user enters their answer, the validation code must make sure that the answer is correct. Select the txtSum control using the drop-down list at the top centre of the code editor window, then select the LostFocus event using the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the code editor window.
  2. In the body of the LostFocus event handler, enter the following code:

If Len(txtSum.Text) = 0 Then
  Exit Sub
ElseIf(IsNumeric(txtSum.Text)) = False Then
  MsgBox("You must enter a valid number.")
ElseIf CInt(txtSum.Text) <> (x + y) Then
  MsgBox("The answer you have given is incorrect.")
  Exit Sub
End If

The event handler code above is fairly self explanatory. If the user enters an incorrect answer to the simple addition (or just complete garbage!) , the code displays an error message, clears the user's answer, and returns the cursor to the text box.

The code we have written so far covers various kinds of user input error that can occur for different input boxes. We still have to deal with the general case of required fields not being completed at all, and we will do this when the user clicks on the Submit button.

  1. In the form design window, double-click on the Submit button and enter the following code at the cursor:

If cmbTitle.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("You have not completed the Title field. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtLastName.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("You have not entered your last name. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtFirstName.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("You have not entered your first name(s). This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtAddress01.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter the first line of your address. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtTown.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your town/city. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtPostcode.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your postal or zip code. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtCountry.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your country name. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtTelephone.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your telephone number. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtEmail.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your e-mail address. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtPassword01.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter a password. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtPassword02.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please confirm your password. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtDOB.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please enter your date of birth. This is a mandatory field.")
ElseIf txtSum.Text = "" Then
  MsgBox("Please answer the simple question to verify that you are not a robot.")
  MsgBox("You have successfully submitted your details!")
End If

The Submit button's Click event handler essentially checks each input box in turn to check that it is not empty. If one of the mandatory fields is found to be empty, the user is asked to complete it.

The validation code provided for our online form is not particularly sophisticated and could certainly be improved upon. It does however manage to catch some of the more obvious input errors as they occur, rather than allowing the user to complete the form and submit the form data to a server-side script. It would be frustrating for the user to have the script return an error message after having unsuccessfully tried to process the data, and possibly have to start the entire process all over again.

Although we have used a web form as our example here, it is good practice to build validation into any kind of application that requires input from a user, or from a file. One of the best known clichés related to computing is "Garbage in, garbage out!". Taking reasonable precautions to prevent invalid data from being input to the program in the first place greatly reduces the chances of the program producing invalid output.