The RS-232 Interface

Recommended Standard 232 (RS-232) emerged in the 1960s as a common interface standard for data communications equipment. This data communications was often an exchange of data between a mainframe computer and a remote terminal via an analogue telephone line, and a modem was required at each end of the connection to carry out the necessary signal conversion (digital-to-analogue and vice-versa). A standard was needed to ensure reliable communication and to enable equipment produced by different manufacturers to interoperate. The standard specified signal voltages, signal timing, the function of each circuit in the interface, and a protocol for the exchange of information. It also provided the specifications for physical connectors. In the four decades since the standard first appeared, the Electronic Industries Association has made a number of modifications to the standard. The most recent version, EIA232F, was introduced in 1997. It renames some of the signal lines, and introduces some new ones, including a shield conductor.

RS-232 defines the connection between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). Data terminal equipment is any end user device, such as a computer, that can be used to send data over a network. Data circuit-terminating equipment is a device that provides the interface between the DTE and the network, and is often a modem or terminal adapter. An RS-232-compatible interface was commonly used for computer serial communication (COM) ports, which were originally intended for connecting the computer to a modem. While the original RS232 standard specified 25-pin connections, many of the pins were not used in practice, and a 9-pin connection was implemented on most computers. Although the RS-232 port has now largely been superceded by USB for connecting peripheral devices to personal computers, it is still often provided to enable the connection of legacy devices. The illustration below shows the 25-pin and 9-pin DTE-to-DCE connections that would result if the EIA232 standard were strictly followed. The most commonly used signals are shown in red.

A 25-pin DTE-to-DCE connection

A 25-pin DTE-to-DCE connection

A 9-pin DTE-to-DCE connection

A 9-pin DTE-to-DCE connection

RS-232 allows data rates of up to 20 kbps, over cables of up to 15 metres. Control circuits are used to manage the connection between the DTE and DCE, and a special hardware circuit called a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receive/Transmit) or a USRT (Universal Synchronous Receive/Transmit) controls the serial port in a computer. Each data or control circuit operates in only one direction, and since the Transmit Data (TxD) and Receive Data (RxD) are separate circuits, the interface can operate in full duplex mode. The EIA232 standard uses negative, bipolar logic in which a negative voltage is used to represent a logic '1', and a positive voltage represents a logic '0'. A typical DTE-DCE interface setup is shown below.

A typical DTE-DCE interface

A typical DTE-DCE interface

Connectors and Signals

RS-232 devices are either DTE or DCE devices. Computer terminals are usually equipped with male connectors with DTE pin functions, while modems have female connectors with DCE pin functions. Although the standard specifies twenty different signal connections, most devices use only a few of these signals, enabling the smaller 9-pin (DB9) connectors to be used. The more commonly used signals are shown in the table below.

Commonly-used RS-232 signals
TxDTransmitted Data - data transmitted from the DTE to the DCE
RxDReceived Data - data transmitted from the DCE to the DTE
RTSRequest To Send - set to 0 (asserted) by the DTE to prepare the DCE to receive data
CTSClear To Send - set to 0 (asserted) by the DCE to acknowledge RTS and allow the DTE to transmit
DTRData Terminal Ready - set to 0 (asserted) by the DTE to indicate that it is ready to be connected
DSRData Set Ready - set to 0 (asserted) by the DCE to indicate an active connection
DCDData Carrier Detect - set to 0 (asserted) by the DCE when a connection has been established with a remote device
RIRing Indicator - set to 0 (asserted) by the DCE when it detects a ring signal from the telephone line

In a standard connection between a DCE device and a DTE device, the cable used will connect the same pin numbers in each connector (a "straight-through" cable). The standard pin assignments for DB25 and DB9 connectors are given in the following tables.

DB25 Pin Assignments
PinDTE (male connector)DCE (female connector)
2Transmitted DataReceived Data
3Received DataTransmitted Data
4Request to SendClear to Send
5Clear to sendRequest to send
6DCE ReadyDCE Ready
7Signal GroundSignal Ground
8Received Line Signal DetectReceived Line Signal Detect
9Reserved for testingReserved for testing
10Reserved for testingReserved for testing
12Second Received Line Signal DetectSecond Received Line Signal Detect
13Second Clear to SendSecond Request to send
14Second Transmitted DataSecond Received Data
15Transmitter Signal Timing (DCE Source)Transmitter Signal Timing (DCE Source)
16Second Received DataSecond Transmitted Data
17Receiver Signal Timing (DCE Source)Receiver Signal Timing (DCE Source)
18Local LoopbackLocal Loopback
19Second Request to SendSecond Clear to Send
20DTE ReadyDTE Ready
21Remote LoopbackRemote Loopback
22Ring IndicatorRing Indicator
23Data Signal Rate SelectorData Signal Rate Selector
24Transmitter Signal Timing (DTE Source)Transmitter Signal Timing (DTE Source)
25Test ModeTest Mode

DB9 Pin Assignments
PinDTE (male connector)DCE (female connector)
1Received Line Signal DetectReceived Line Signal Detect
2Received DataTransmitted Data
3Transmitted DataReceived Data
4DTE ReadyDTE Ready
5Signal GroundSignal Ground
6DCE ReadyDCE Ready
7Request to SendClear to Send
8Clear to SendRequest to Send
9DCE ReadyDCE Ready

A connection between two DTE devices (e.g. between two computers) requires a null modem that acts as a DCE between the two devices. This is essentially a crossover cable in which a number of signal lines are cross connected (i.e. TxD to RxD, DTR to DSR, and RTS to CTS). A 9-pin null modem connection is shown below.

A 9-pin null modem connection

A 9-pin null modem connection

A loopback connector can be used for testing, and is simply a DB9 female connector without a cable, internally wired to reroute signals back to the sender. The connector is attached to a DTE device such as a personal computer.

A DB9 loopback connector

A DB9 loopback connector